Head Bull Joe – October 29, 2021

We have to switch out the breeding bulls every three or so years to keep from inbreeding and maintain quality genetics. Normally we buy a calf or two from proven lineage and raise them on the farm so they are used to the environment. We had been warned in the past that buying a mature bison bull or swapping with another rancher could lead to issues with the animal not respecting the fences, being aggressive, and generally not adjusting well to a new location. We got lucky.

Two years ago we needed a full grown breeding bull. StangelBison Ranch in Joseph, Oregon had Joe and we brought him home as a four year old. From the moment he arrived on the ranch he has been so chill. He observes and thinks before he acts. He normally brings up the rear of the group and makes sure everyone is accounted for. We respect that Joe is a wild animal, at the same time we are grateful for his calm nature. He’s a boss, he knows it, and he doesn’t need to prove that to us.